TNZ’s MessageLink feature lets you enhance your messaging campaigns by creating personalised landing pages that can be included in the messages you send.
Landing Pages can be unique per TNZ User or per use-case. For example, you may have a Landing Page for emergency communications, appointment reminders and survey feedback.
Each time a message with a Landing Page link is sent, we generate a unique tracking URL to monitor engagement. You can track who clicks on the link, when they clicked, and from which device, giving you valuable insight into user interaction.
In addition, the landing page can feature images, buttons, and other interactive elements, and recipients can even reply to your message directly from the page (saving them an SMS reply cost).
Creating a Custom Landing Page
To create a custom landing page:
Log into the TNZ Dashboard
Access your account and navigate to the dashboard. -
Go to Service Settings
Under "Service Settings", select Custom Templates. -
Create a New Template
You’ll see a list of default templates. Click Create to start designing a new template.
From here, you can add images, text, buttons, and other elements to customize your landing page.
Field Explanations
Customer Template Information
Template Name
The display name for your template.
The SubAccount this template should belong to.
The Department this template should belong to.
The short link URL domain for this page. Use the TNZ one or upgrade your plan to use a custom branded domain.
Page Title
The page's 'title tag' or 'meta title'.
Background Colour
The page's background colour as a HEX value.
Header Title
The title used in the page's content. You can use the [[Header-Title]] command to place it anywhere on your page.
Header Logo
The logo used in the page's content. This should be a URL path to the logo. You can host your logo in the TNZ File Manager, on your own website, or on an image hosting website like Imgur. You can use the [[Logo-Image]] command to place it anywhere on your page.
HTML Template
You can edit the page content using the built-in WYSIWYG editor.
Design Editor
Use the design tools to modify the page's styling.
Insert Images
Use the TNZ File Manager to upload and insert images into the page.
Insert Links
Use the Insert Link button to add a URL link to the page.
Preview Page
Use the Preview button to review your page.
Edit HTML Source
Use the Source button to edit the page's raw HTML. This is a great feature if you are migrating your HTML from another design application.
Insert Tags
Select from available TNZ Tag commands. These fields are replaced with personalised data when sending a live message.
Destination - The mobile number or email address sent to.
Message Text - The outbound message sent to the Destination.
Buttons - Preformatted selectable buttons.
File1 - A link to the first File (if a file was included in your sent message).
Link1 - A link to the first Link (if a short link was included in your sent message).
Custom1 - The message's Custom1 value.
Insert Elements
Select from available TNZ Element commands. These are interactive fields that page visitors use to craft a response.
"Original Message Text" - a pretty display of your outbound message.
"Enter A Reply Text" - a text reply box.
"Submit/Send Reply Button - a 'Submit' button.
Question/Survey - create a flexible survey with questions and answers.
Selectable Buttons - flexible radio buttons that the user can select.
Sending a Message Using a Custom Landing Page
Once your custom landing page is set up, you can use it in your messaging campaigns in several ways:
Setting the Default Landing Page Per User
You can assign a default landing page for individual users:
- In the TNZ Dashboard, go to Users.
- Click on the relevant user.
- Navigate to the SMS tab, and from there, select the appropriate "Custom Template" for that user.
This ensures that whenever a message is sent to that user, the designated custom landing page will be included.
Sending via API
If you're sending messages through the TNZ REST API, you can specify a custom landing page for each message by providing the "Message Link Template ID".
To find the Template ID:
- Go to Service Settings > Custom Templates in the dashboard.
- Use the corresponding "Template ID" in your API call.
This allows you to include the appropriate landing page for each API-triggered message.
Sending via the Dashboard
When sending messages directly through the TNZ Dashboard, you can assign a custom landing page template when creating a new SMS template:
- Create a new SMS message.
- Select the relevant Custom Landing Page Template to associate with that message.
This helps ensure that the recipient gets a tailored landing page that matches the context of the message.
The MessageLink feature offers a powerful way to engage with your audience through personalised landing pages that can be tracked and customized. By leveraging this tool, you can improve engagement, gather important data on user interaction, and streamline communication with interactive elements like buttons and reply forms.
For additional support or inquiries, please reach out to our customer service team or visit our help center for more resources.