Connect to TNZ's Zapier app and use SMS, Email and Voice in your Zapier automations.


  • Send SMS: Set up an Action to send SMS from Zapier
  • Send Email: Set up an Action to send Emails from Zapier 
  • Send Voice/Text-to-Speech: Set up an Action to send Voice Calls from Zapier
  • Receive SMS: Set up a Trigger when an SMS is received to your TNZ account
  • Intuitive Dashboard: View messages sent and received in TNZ's easy-to-use web dashboard
  • Continuity: Use Zapier to trigger automations, then continue the conversation using TNZ's messaging tools (Dashboard, API and other Integrations such as HubSpot and Pipedrive).
  • Exclusive Focus on New Zealand and Australia: Enjoy competitive pricing and unparalleled service quality for sending SMS to mobile numbers in New Zealand and Australia.


Connecting TNZ SMS

Step 1: Log into your TNZ Dashboard

Login to your TNZ Account:

If you do not have an account, you can register here:


Step 2: Connect TNZ to Zapier

From the menu,

  1. Select Service Settings
  2. Select Integrations
  3. Then select Zapier and connect your Zapier account.

Ensure your TNZ login name matches your Zapier login name.


Step 3: Log into Zapier using your TNZ account

From Zapier:

  1. Navigate to Apps and click Other Apps
  2. Click on the TNZ app
  3. Click 'Add Connection'

Then from the TNZ Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Users and click on your User Email Address
  2. If the API is not enabled, you will need to:
    1. Click the 'Edit/Modify' button
    2. Click 'Enable API'
    3. Click 'Enable' next to 'Sender/APIKey'
    4. Click 'Create Legacy API Key' and confirm
    5. Click 'Update' at the top of the page to save your changes
  3. Note down your 'Sender' and 'API Key'

Then back to Zapier:

  1. Fill in Zapier's 'Sender' field with your 'Sender'
  2. Fill in Zapier's 'APIKey' field with your 'API Key'


Step 4: Add TNZ's SMS, Email or Voice as an Action in a Zapier Zap

In Zapier:

1. Open a Zap (you can open an existing Zap or create a new one)

2. Create a Trigger, such as an Email being received by Zapier

3. Add 'TNZ' as the Action. The Event can be 'Send SMS', 'Send Email' or 'Send Text-to-Speech Voice Call'

4. Save and test your Zap




Step 5: Add TNZ's SMS Received as a Trigger in a Zapier Zap

An optional step, if you want a received SMS to trigger in Zapier:

1. Open a Zap (you can open an existing Zap or create a new one)

2. Create a Trigger and select 'TNZ' as the app. The Event is 'SMS Received'

3. Set up an Action, such as 'Add a Row to an Excel spreadsheet'

4. Save and test your Zap


Step 6: View message history in the TNZ Dashboard

When sending messages through Zapier, you can review your usage in the TNZ Dashboard.

Select 'View Messages' then 'Detailed Messages Sent' from the menu.